The Qur’ān pins a person’s salvation in the Hereafter on the spiritual heart, not the physical heart that pumps blood. Hence, those who bring a pure heart (qalbun salīm) on Judgment Day will enter Paradise. This book explores the nature of the spiritual heart and how to revive it when it becomes diseased. It shows us that the more a heart remembers God, the healthier it becomes.
What Muslim Scholars & Leaders Are Saying:

“A wonderful book about the essence of our being–the heart. It not only shows practical ways to cure what ails the heart but also how to fill it with faith and direct it to true life.”
– Dr. Omar Suleiman
Founder & President, Yaqeen Institute for Islamic Research

“A heart-warming book about the heart. When so much is troubling our hearts, and we are searching for peace and happiness, this work provides, from the lens of the Qur’ān and Sunnah, precious knowledge and practical advice for Muslims wanting to understand better what our Creator has told us about the heart’s mysteries. I am confident readers will find much to reflect on and benefit from in this work.”
– Dr. Yasir Qadhi
Dean of Academic Affairs at the Islamic Seminary of America (TISA)

“This book takes a deep dive into the Qur’ān, the Prophet Muhammad’s Sunnah, and scholarly treatises, to discover the secrets of the spiritual heart. Anyone interested in understanding why the heart occupies a central place in our lives will find this book invaluable.”
– Dr. Mustafa Khattab
Translator, The Clear Quran
Inside Of This NEW Book...
Here Are A Few Of The Secrets You'll Discover Insha'Allah!

Chapters 1-3:
1. Know Your Heart:
- Your heart occupies the most important place in your body, surpassing even your mind... believe it or not. The first step of this journey is to recognize the importance of your heart, then become aware of the state of your heart, and then to take the steps to strengthen and nurture your heart.
2. The Heart and the Qur'an:
- As a sign of the heart’s spiritual dimension and its domination of the human self, God revealed the Qur’ān to the Prophet Muhammad’s صلى الله عليه وسلم heart, not his mind.
3. Behind the Semantics:
- Discover the secrets behind why the Qur’ān calls a heart qalb, fu’ād, and ṣadr. In English every one of these Arabic words is translated the same: "the heart". But if God uses different words, each must have its own meaning and wisdom.
Chapters 4-5:
4. The Devil's Mischiefs:
- "Know thy enemy and know yourself; in a hundred battles, you will never be defeated." Any discussion of the heart’s diseases inevitably leads to Satan (Iblīs), our worst enemy, who whispers evil thoughts in our chests and around our hearts.
5. Soul, Self, and the Heart:
- The heart plays a pivotal role in your life, both physically and spiritually.
Chapters 6-8:
6. The "Spiritual" Heart in Science:
- “The intellect is powerless to express thought without the aid of the heart.” Discover how science is now backing up the ancient teachings from the Quran, the Sunnah, and other traditions that the heart is actually "the mind" behind your mind.
7. Memories of the Heart:
- Allāh revealed the Qur’ān on the Prophet Muhammad’s heart, we memorize something by heart, and we remember God in our hearts.
8. Faith, Intuition, and Inner Light:
- The Qur’ān tells us that faith is a light that God has placed deep inside the hearts of those He chooses.
Chapters 9-11:
9. What Sickens the Heart:
- Beware, doubts and desires (shūbūhāt and shahawāt) are the mothers of all the heart’s spiritual diseases.
10. The Blight of Sins:
- Sins don’t just afflict the heart. They also corrupt what the heart touches.
11. The Heart's Weapon:
- Supplication (duʿā) is a weapon against the heart’s decay, Satan’s mischiefs, and the lower self’s avarice.
Chapters 12-14:
12. Whom God Loves:
- Our merciful God loves us all, but some He loves more— those with the purest hearts.
13. Hearts That Remember Death:
- The hearts of the righteous always remember death as a gateway to meeting their Lord.
14. Reviving the Heart:
- “Verily, one’s faith wears out, just as a shirt becomes worn out, so ask Allāh to renew faith in your hearts.” When we remember God, we become connected with Him, and that connection revives our hearts.
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Meet the Author

Ekram Haque
Instructor, Author, Journalist and Speaker
Ekram Haque is a Seerah instructor, author, journalist, and former acting executive director of CAIR-Dallas, where he now serves as a Diversity Trainer. He is the author of three books: Muhammad: Son of Abraham, Brother of Moses, Successor of Jesus, a biography of the Prophet (S); The Radiant Lamp, a Seerah-inspired textbook for Muslim teenagers; and Powered by Hope, Positivity, and Optimism, a motivational book based on the prophetic examples. On popular demand, he recently completed an audiobook on the Seerah.
Ekram Haque has taught the Seerah to different age groups for the last seven years. He delivered a year-long lecture series on the entire Seerah at the East Pano Islamic Center (EPIC), where he also taught Seerah to the students of Al-Hikmah Seminary.
Since 2017, the author has widely traveled within the contiguous United States to deliver a Friday Khutbah and evening lecture on the Seerah.
He has a master’s degree in Journalism from the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. He has written hundreds of articles in large and small publications, including several Op-Ed and features articles in the Dallas Morning News, News' Observer, Denver Post, Newsday, and Asbury Park Press. He has studied some of the Islamic sciences from Shaykh Abul Yosr Mohamed Baianonie, a former imam at the Islamic Center of Raleigh, NC, and Shaykh Yasir Qadhi, Dean of Academic Affairs at the Islamic Seminary of America, Richardson, TX.